We Can Work It Out: Rock ‘n Roll for Adults
You’ve always wanted to be in a rock ‘n roll band, but…
It’s been a long time since you’ve played in a band, but…
You really love to sing, but…
No more buts! Live what you love! Plug in, learn a song a week, and play to your heart’s content during this rock ‘n roll getaway. What a great class to try over the summer. (3+ students) 90 minutes.
Requirements: Guitar, bass guitar, drum set, keyboards, vocals, horns and other instruments – all welcome.
Provided: Drum set, PA, mics.
For: Men and women, age 18+
Where: NE
Day: Thursdays
When: 6:30 – 8pm
Instructors: Jeffrey Willkomm, David DeGennaro
Check this out:
Mustang Sally, CMS Adult Rockers
Questions? CMS E-mail or 612-618-0219
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